Tom's Books

The Quantum Element Series is a six episode epic journey through the dimensions of time, space, reincarnation, energy and existence. On this path of exploration we all feel we know, but everything is not what you see…

Ultimately we gather a deeper understanding not only the universe and the reasons we are here, but your unique part in this unfolding story.

The Event

After multi-generational mismanagement of the human evolutionary process, the Universal Council decide to hijack a cataclysmic geological event to force Earth into a profound reset, bound with an underlying and terrifying agenda.

Jez, with the soul wisdom of many universal systems, chooses to incarnate in human form once again to counter the impending catastrophe. He fully understands the interdimensional interventions and sensing this latest move could be a final statement, makes it his mission to unify collective consciousness of the human race, in preparation for their possible fifth and final chance of true evolution.

Time is not on his side however and with the future of humanity at stake, he must set powerful wheels in motion using his mastery of energy, to navigate the timing of The Event and ensure the greater plan has a chance of success. Not only must he save his soul, but give the human species the chance to avoid inevitable extinction or worse, eternal slavery.

The Astroflower System

Life is made up from more than just stars and you play an integral role in its creation. 

The Astroflower System is the opportunity to put yourself in the driving seat of life through this deeper understanding of self. Like everything in the Universe, you are multidimensional with a full spectrum of elements, qualities and aspects. Exploring the influences often overlooked by traditional astrology, gives a highly effective approach in unleashing your true passions and purpose.

Solar Cycles:

How you view the world may depend on which part of a Solar Cycle you were born in. Do you feel your glass is half full or half empty, or did you know that whole generations can express themselves in alignment with the Sun’s cyclical activity ?

Life Rhythms:

Have you noticed patterns repeating in your life, with similar emotions and situations emerging in similar situations? Do childhood events, good or bad have a bearing on these tidal rhythms? There are six essential human rhythms within each of us which can reveal much about our past, present and future.

The Elements (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) :

The Astroflower brings its own unique element structure and provides the signposts to life, helping to navigate relationships, careers, leisure time and your emotional and physical wellbeing.

The Astroflower of Pisces :

Discovering the true inner workings of Pisces and how they present to the world gives a new meaning to your sensitively rebellious nature. Your Astroflower with its unique element structure will enhance your strengths and reposition your weaknesses, giving wings to your personal evolution.

This is just the first of The Astroflower Series. Each sign will be released for purchase before its astrological start date. Please use the ‘Click Here to Pre Order’ button above.

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